
 2月3日にセンターに着任した外国人客員教授(客員III種研究員)のナゲスワラ ラオ,カカニ氏の自己紹介です.
I am Dr Kakani Nageswara Rao, Associate Professor in the Department of Geo-Engineering, Andhra University at Visakhapatnam, India is currently at the Research Center for Coastal Lagoon Environments (ReCCLE), Shimane University, Matsue as Visiting professor during February - June 2003.I have made some stduies towards the geomorphological understanding of the major deltas and lagoons along the east coast of India.

My studies are mainly aimed at the Holocene evolution and environmental change of the delta/lagoon systems based on the landform analysis through aerial/satellite remote sensing techniques and extensive field investigations. I have carried out a number of research projects and published more than 30 papers in various Indian and international journals during the past 27 years of my research/teaching career.

During my stay in Japan, I plan to learn the modern methods of coastal environmental research being carried out at the ReCCLE under the leadership of Prof. K. Takayasu, and explore possibilities of Indo-Japanese cooperative research for a better understanding of the Indian delta/lagoon environments. I strive to familiarise the Japanese research community with the nature of some of the world`s largest deltas/lagoons along the east coast of India through a series of seminars and group discussions in various Japanese universities, besides helping the ReCCLE in formulating collaborative project proposals on Indian delta/lagoon environments.